About Us

2024 – 2025 PTO Executive Board Members

  • President – Kristen Bertoni
  • Vice President – Amber Hajos
  • Treasurer – Tim Curtis
  • Secretary – Rachael Didio


2024-2025 PTO Meetings 
(dates subject to change,  please check back closer to each meeting for any changes)
September: Tues. 9/10
October:  Tues. 10/8
November:  Tues. 11/12
December:   Tues. 12/10
January:  Tues. 1/14
February:   Tues. 2/11
March:  Tues. 3/11
April:  Tues. 4/8
May:  Tues. 5/13
  • Meetings are held in the College Square Elementary Cafeteria at 7:00 PM


About The PTO (Parent Teacher Organization):

College Square PTO is a non-profit organization group made up of family volunteers and teaching staff.  The Purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at College Square, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging family involvement, and to improve the environment at our school through volunteering and financial support.

Together we will:

  • Provide support for cultural and educational programs at College Square.
  • Promote social activities that heighten school spirit.
  • Encourage and organize volunteer support for school and PTO programs and events.
  • Conduct purposeful fundraising to support programs and events at College Square.
  • Supplement the school budget to provide supplies and equipment to enhance the education of students now and in years to come.



There are several committees at College Square.  These are constantly evolving and being altered to accommodate schedules and responsibilities.  Each committee will consist of a committee chair and its members. The members of the committee are expected to meet with the committee chair at least once a year to organize and plan for the coming events.  Committee chairs should attend monthly PTO meetings to keep the Executive board and other members updated.  The committee members are welcome to attend but it is not mandatory to participate in the committee.

  • Book Fair
  • Family Engagement (Festival of Trees/Dance)
  • Fundraising
  • Holiday Shop
  • Fun Run
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Yearbook
  • Fun Day

Becoming a Volunteer:

To ensure the safety of our students and staff, all prospective volunteers must complete the district’s volunteer process, and be Board approved prior to beginning a volunteer assignment.

Click here for instructions on how to become a BASD volunteer.


Funding the PTO

Throughout the year the students are asked to participate in various fundraisers and the question is often asked “Where does this money go?”.

Each year the PTO provides the funding for:

  • Take home folders for all students
  • Teaching Staff Luncheons and gifts
  • Book Fair (twice a year)
  • Books for the incoming kindergarten students during the pre-schools visit.
  • Construction paper for entire school
  • Office supplies for PTO
  • Holiday Shoppe supplies
  • School Programs, Assemblies, and Events such as Fun Day
  • Insurance, Audits, & Taxes
  • Community Service projects
  • Jog-a-thon
  • Gift Cards for each teacher to spend on specific needs for their classroom

In addition to the above yearly list the PTO was able to provide the following additional items/events over the past several years:

  • Covered the cost of replacement mulch for the Purple Playground (over $1,700)
  • Gifted the music department $3,000
  • Gifted the STEM lab money to purchase kits and enhance the space to promote creativity
  • Purchased document viewers for each classroom
  • New Laminator for all the College Square Staff